What the MACD Indicator is and How it Works
Indicators continue to confidently spread their influence on the formation of trading strategies. The modern trader, be he a beginner or a pro, cannot miss the opportunity to rely on the support of automated assistants. MACD fits perfectly into the format of modern trading offering a wide set of important trading signals. It hasn't lost its appeal despite its venerable age. Traders of different qualifications successfully use it in simple and complex trading strategies, including MACD as a mandatory component of the system.
What is the Elliott Wave Forex Theory
Every trader understands that changes in the rate of financial assets can bring good profits as well as serious losses. That is why the ability to predict the future movements of the market, which allows for making the right trading decisions, is so valued. Technical analysis instruments, which help to identify the patterns on charts, assist in this. One of the most effective methods is the Elliott Waves based on the study of crowd psychology, the essence of which we will consider in this article.
What is the Best Time Frame to Trade Forex
The choice of time frame for trading is one of the problems every trader faces at the initial stage. It is necessary to grasp the subject in detail and define: what is a time frame, what are its purposes, what kinds of time frames exist, what time frame is better to trade in, and what time frame should be chosen by a beginner. In this article, we will provide an insight into the notion of time frame, learn which one is the best for beginners, as well as will find out how to add a custom time frame.
What is the best method of analysis for forex trading? [2022 Guide]
The forex market is a rather complex and difficult to predict financial institution. The movement of currency pairs depends on a whole range of economic, political, and social factors. Their close interaction and complex influence on the market are often difficult to predict, especially the strength and direction of their impact on the price dynamics of a particular currency pair.
What is Slippage and How Do You Avoid it in Trading?
The forex market is characterized by the fact that there are no trifles in it. Any seemingly insignificant detail over a long distance can turn into significant drawdowns. Let us pay attention to any price chart - the quotes are changing every second. Many trading strategies are based on such insignificant fluctuations, or, as they are also called market noise. Scalping, pipsing strategies - the aim of trade here may be just a few pips or tens of pips. But there are a lot of positions during a trading session.
What is On-Balance Volume (OBV)? | Definition and Application
The On Balance Volume indicator is integrated into the standard package of Meta Trader terminal algorithms, so it is available to all users of this program. The tool is designed to determine the balance volume of the market. It is a dynamic algorithm that constantly changes its readings depending on the price of the trading asset and total market volumes. Let's consider in detail the principle of work of OBV indicator, signals, and ways of trade on its basis.
What Is Margin Trading?
Lack of equity is a common problem among investors trading in the financial market. This situation contributes to the difficulty of conducting operations with securities and other assets. The reason for this situation is most often quite modest income received from investments. That is why investors look for different variants, the most actual among which is a margin provided by brokerage companies as a guarantee when taking a credit. It has its own characteristics and a number of disadvantages, with which a trader should be acquainted before making up his mind.
What Is Green Investing?
Over the past 20 years, green energy has shown high growth rates. It has grown at an average annual rate of 3.2% since 2000, although from 1990 to 2000 the growth rate was 1.7%. Conventional energy has only grown 1.4% per year since 1990. And if we consider renewable energy segments such as solar and wind - growth rates of 37 and 23.4% per year, respectively - it is clear that the growth of these industries has been tremendous.
Understanding the Meaning of Purchasing Power Parity in 2022
The success of trading on the forex market implies the ability to correctly determine the most successful trades. And here you can't do without the methods of forecasting further currency movement. However, to make accurate forecasts, it is necessary not only to have skills in technical analysis of the market - but it is also vital to understand and be able to analyze the fundamental factors that affect the currency rate.
Understanding Safe Haven Assets: What & Why?
Imagine that you used all your savings to buy shares in a promising IT company. The company has released new products, reported good revenues, and the share price has risen sharply. You rejoice in the earnings. But then the CEO of the startup makes an unfortunate joke on Twitter, it causes a scandal and the stock plummeted in price, and you are in the red. Stressful situation, right? To worry less, you shouldn't build a portfolio of only risky assets, such as startup stocks. You need to invest in so-called safe haven assets as well.