Top Liquidity Providers Partners
AdroFx is ECN / STP broker that laboriously involved in developing cooperation connections with the most dependable fiscal institutions world wide. The following companies will insure the provision of liquidity Credit Suisse, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, UBS, and Merrill Lynch.
Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse is the biggest investment bank in Switzerland with workers world wide and $1 trillion+ in means. They've a big focus on investment deals , fund operation , and marketable operation .
Deutsche Bank
Base in Frankfurt am Main, it's spread in further than 70 countries and employs further than people. It plays a big part in the forex request and it's so Concentrated on futures , shares , and other fiscal instruments .
Goldman Sachs
It's the largest investment and marketable bank in the world . They're specialized in stock trade , means operation , investment exertion , and marketable banking. They're of course involved in the forex request and make a monthly net profit of over $10 billion.
This is a bank that has a big decision-making power . Its means exceed the $2.7 billion and it presently employs further than people.
Merrill Lynch
This is the largest investment bank in the USA. It has been lately incorporated by bank of America, it has a staff of further than workers , and it's concentrated on insurance, marketable and banking sale , and marketable and banking investments . Its asset are over $2.3 trillion.