What Is a Doji Candle Pattern, and What Does It Tell You?

Candlestick analysis, as part of forex technical analysis, offers a wide range of different patterns for determining the continuation of a trend or market reversal. A special place in it is occupied by the Doji candlestick. But it has many different variants, and each has its own definition in the market. Today we will look at all types of Doji candles and learn some helpful tips for their application in forex trading.

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Everything You Need To Know About Forex Charts: Types And How To Read Them

Stock market price charts are like a cardiogram on a medical monitor: the more frequent the change, the more lively the market. But if you know where to look, the monitor will show much more: breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, and blood pressure levels. It is the same with a chart in the forex market: it does not only show the rise or fall of the price.

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Forex Currency Pairs Explained

The forex market may seem quite complicated to some newbies. Plenty of instruments, calculators, different programs, and strategies - all this can make an unprepared trader's head spin. But to establish successful trading it is not necessary to plunge at once so much new information. At first, it is enough to understand what currency pairs are, as they are the main instrument on the forex market.

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Forex Trading Sessions: Types and Features

The schedule of forex trading sessions allows the trader to determine the best time to start working. During different sessions, the volatility of assets changes: increases or decreases. The highest trading volume is observed when different platforms and exchanges in different geographical zones work simultaneously. Traders track the chart with the help of the indicator of trading sessions - a special tool of technical analysis.

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Trading Flat: Definition, How It Works, and Types of Situations

The trend is your friend. That`s what a popular phrase in the world of trading calls to trade only with the trend. But what to do if the market is flat 70% of the time and only 30% of the time it is trending? The answer is that profitable trading is also possible during a flat market. This article will help you to understand what flat is in trading, how to identify it, and how to use it in trading.

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What Are Swaps in Trading, and What Are They Used for?

Swaps help all market participants to enter into contracts that will be profitable in a particular situation. They reduce the risk of market transactions and can increase potential profits. Apart from that investors use different types of swaps to hedge risks and increase trading efficiency in the stock market. What they are and how they work - in the article.

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How to Cut Losses Trading Cryptocurrencies

Even good trading and investment strategies can lead to portfolio losses if the basic rules of capital management are neglected. In addition to the basic rules typical for investing and trading any assets, the crypto industry is characterized by a number of additional rules that are meant to reduce losses. Let's consider these recommendations today so you can enhance your crypto trading performance and benefit from any situation on the market.

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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Trend Trading

Forex trend trading is exactly the way many traders use to make a profit on the currency exchange. Trend trading has many advantages: the ability to take a large number of pips due to a strong, directional price movement, a high probability of profit, and good accuracy of signals. These are the reasons that allow traders to use trend trading effectively. Let's consider the basic algorithm of trend trading to learn how to make the most of the price movement and make minimum mistakes, which, no matter how hard one tries, will still happen from time to time.

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The Bearish Trend: How to Benefit from Falling Markets

Why are economies cyclical – growth is inevitably followed by decline? The fact is that all processes in the physical world are cyclical. The nature of any economy is based on supply and demand. And both buyers and sellers can be on the strong side. Suppose there is an economy in a phase of active growth, with low inflation, growing GDP, and other positive fundamentals. In such an environment, high and steadily rising prosperity would stimulate demand for goods and services and positively affect all production and increase the stock price of manufacturing companies.

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How to Trade the News: News-Based Trading Strategies

News trading is notable because a single trade can make a profit of over a hundred pips in just a few minutes. The price during the impulse after the news release can overcome such a distance, which under normal conditions would take several days to pass. Such high profitability makes news trading strategies very popular. So, today we continue discovering more about news trading and will learn how to trade news.

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