What Is a Pip In Forex Trading - Guide 2021
Forex, the interbank market for currency exchange transactions, is a complex system of financial and economic relations. To work in this field to the fullest extent, it is necessary to know a lot of special concepts. As a rule, investors learn the science and practice of Forex trading throughout their professional life. However, there are some basic points, which a beginning trader must master rather quickly and to perfection. First of all, a private trader must find out exactly what are pips in forex, as well as how the real value of one pip is calculated.
Guide: How to Choose the Best Forex & CFD Broker in 2021
A trader cannot trade on the international currency market on his own, so all operations are performed through a broker, acting as an intermediary between the trader and the interbank market. Obviously, the success of each trader largely depends on the broker, because it is that very factor determining the trading conditions, the list of available instruments, additional bonuses, etc. Almost all traders at the beginning of their journey face the problem of choosing a forex broker The beginners do not yet understand what features to be guided by in order not to fall for the fraudsters.