What You Need To Know About Market Rallies
Usually, the word "rally" is associated with racing. But it has another meaning besides the competition. In stock trading, the notion of a rally is used to refer to a period during which there is a rush of assets on the market. As a rule, it is expressed in the sharp increase of almost all quotes and the increase in total sales volume. Simply speaking, a market rally is a short period, when investors are trying to manage to buy more stocks with the maximum profit for themselves.
Top Trend Indicators That Tell You the Direction of the Trend
Sometimes the market brings surprises to those who work in it. A rate, which has not been characterized by impulsive movements and has been moving quietly up or down, suddenly bursts like a rocket. It rises in price at breakneck speed, knocking down all orders on its way and throwing unlucky players out of the market, at some point it stops and just as rapidly comes back to the place or level close to the point of takeoff.