psychology of trading page 4

The Psychology of Trading: How to Manage Your Emotions

The psychology of trading is one of the cornerstones of success, ignoring it can lead to disaster. For example, Nick Leeson single-handedly bankrupted the 200-year-old Barings Bank (where even Queen Elizabeth II kept her savings, she lost 2 million pounds), and the inability to control emotions in trading led to such a disaster. Psychology in trading is important for everyone without exception – both for a beginner with a couple of hundred dollars and for a pro with a million-dollar deposit.

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The Complete Guide to Volatility Indicators

When analyzing the market, traders, especially beginners, often underestimate market volatility. Usually, we are interested in market entry and exit, but we forget that these parameters largely depend on the market volatility. Unfortunately, it is difficult to estimate this important parameter beforehand. And that is where volatility indicators come in to help traders. Today we will discuss the most effective ones.

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