The most popular feature, allows you to view what real traders are doing in real time and copy their trading automatically.

show multifunctional control platform

Copy successful
traders, transactions
When they trade, you trade

  • multi control ability

    Multifunctional control

    Control every stage of your investments and allocation of funds. Start investing right now.

  • community

    Thousands of participants

    Join a huge community of Traders and Investors.

  • add more fund credit card


    Fund your trading account using one of our deposit methods to get started.

  • Copy Profitable Trades in the top 5 markets with endless opportunities

Copy trading platform

AdroFx offers the industry's leading FX trading platforms Allpips directly on your PC, MAC, mobile, or tablet so that you can trade at your convenience whenever and wherever you like.

The advanced technology of Allpips combined with AdroFx unparalleled trading services offers high-quality experience for the user.

  • Manual is most similar to 'normal' trading where you decide who to follow and which trades to copy. Many people refer to this as social trading too.

  • Semi-Automated trading lets you view all the positions of your chosen trader. You can then choose which to copy and trade yourself or which to automatically follow which means your chosen trader takes the lead.

  • Automated is the full package and the one that AdroFx Invest offers _ you choose your traders and the strategies that best suit your risk profile. All positions and subsequent trading are replicated automatically.

How does copy trading work?
Copy trading is automated trading made easy. Here,s a simple step-by-step guide.

  • Select a trader



    Select a trader who best matches your goals to follow

    by using the tools provided by the platform AdroFx Invest to filter the available traders. What is important to you? Perhaps it's their number of followers, or profitability, risk level, the total amount of funds they manage or their return on investment. You might choose a combination of these _ it's completely up to you based on whatever you think is importan.

    • 1 /4 step
    • Click on next slide to see next step

    Click to see animation

  • Investment amount



    Decide your investment amount

    and how you will share it among different managers. Be balanced and don't put all your eggs in one basket, so choose how much to allocate to each chosen trader if you have selected more than one person to copy

    • 2 /4 step
    • Click on next slide to see next step

    Click to see animation

  • Automatically replicate



    Automatically replicate

    The copy trading platform will then automatically replicate all the selected trader's positions in your trading account.

    • 3 /4 step
    • Click on next slide to see next step

    Click to see animation

  • Add more funds



    Add more funds

    if you like how the trader is performing. Or, reduce your exposure to one trader and keep your portfolio diversified by not investing too much in a single trader. You can replace your existing ones at any time, just keep in mind that you'll need a separate Invest account for each trader you decide to follow.

    • 4 /4 step
    • Click on next slide to see next step

    Click to see animation

Ready to Try Out Copy Trading

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