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Торгуйте CFD на 60+ валютных пар и наслаждайтесь преимуществами низких спредов и быстрого исполнения ордеров.

Популярные валютные пары*

Наиболее популярные валютные пары включают в себя основные мировые валюты и обладают самыми высокими объемами торговли и ликвидностью.
Pro & Премиум Счета Стандартный Микро МикроПро
Fx Пары Мин Спред Стандартный Спред Мин Спред Стандартный Спред Мин Спред Мин Спред
eurusd EURUSD 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.8
gbp-usd GBPUSD 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 0.8
usd-chf USDCHF 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 0.8
usd-jpy USDJPY 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 0.8
aud-cad AUDCAD 1.0 2.0 1.8 2.8 2.6 0.8
aud-chf AUDCHF 1.0 2.2 1.8 3.0 2.6 0.8
aud-jpy AUDJPY 0.8 2.5 1.6 3.3 2.4 0.8
aud-nzd AUDNZD 2.0 5.0 2.8 5.8 3.6 0.8
aud-usd AUDUSD 1.2 2.3 2.0 3.1 2.8 0.8
cad-chf CADCHF 0.8 2.0 1.6 2.8 2.4 0.8
cad-jpy CADJPY 1.2 2.2 2.0 3.0 2.8 0.8
chf-jpy CHFJPY 1.4 2.2 2.2 3.0 3.0 0.8
eur-aud EURAUD 1.0 2.0 1.8 2.8 2.6 0.8
eur-cad EURCAD 1.1 2.2 1.9 3.0 2.7 0.8
eur-chf EURCHF 1.0 2.0 1.8 2.8 2.6 0.8
eur-gbp EURGBP 1.5 2.4 2.3 3.2 3.1 0.8
eur-jpy EURJPY 2.0 3.0 2.8 3.8 3.6 0.8
eur-nzd EURNZD 1.0 4.0 1.8 4.8 2.6 0.8
gbp-aud GBPAUD 3.0 6.0 3.8 6.8 4.6 0.8
gbp-cad GBPCAD 3.2 4.0 3.8 4.8 4.8 0.8
gbp-chf GBPCHF 1.5 2.0 2.3 2.8 3.1 0.8
gbp-jpy GBPJPY 2.0 3.5 2.8 4.3 3.6 0.8
nzd-jpy NZDJPY 1.0 3.0 1.8 3.8 2.6 0.8
nzd-usd NZDUSD 0.8 2.0 1.6 2.8 2.4 0.8
usd-cad USDCAD 1.0 3.0 1.8 2.8 2.6 0.8
usd-sek USDSEK 35.0 54.0 35.8 54.8 36.6 0.8
eur-sek EURSEK 44.0 61.0 44.8 61.8 45.6 0.8
usd-nok USDNOK 34.0 52.0 34.8 52.8 35.6 0.8
usd-dkk USDDKK 26.0 33.0 26.8 33.8 27.6 0.8
eur-dkk EURDKK 30.0 35.0 30.8 35.8 31.6 0.8
usd-mxn USDMXN 65.0 95.0 65.8 95.8 67.6 0.8
eur-mxn EURMXN 68.0 98.0 68.8 98.8 69.6 0.8
usd-zar USDZAR 110.0 130.0 110.8 130.8 112.6 0.8
eur-zar EURZAR 130.0 150.0 130.8 150.8 131.6 0.8
eur-nok EURNOK 60.0 80.0 60.8 80.8 61.6 0.8
usd-pln USDPLN 44.0 55.0 44.8 55.8 45.6 0.8
eur-pln EURPLN 55.0 62.0 55.8 62.8 55.6 0.8
usd-sgd USDSGD 6.0 10.0 6.8 10.8 7.6 0.8
eur-sgd EURSGD 7.0 11.0 7.8 11.8 8.6 0.8
usd-huf USDHUF 45.0 54.0 45.8 54.8 46.6 0.8
aud-sgd AUDSGD 90.0 120.0 90.8 120.8 91.6 0.8
eur-hkd EURHKD 40.0 50.0 40.8 50.8 41.6 0.8
gbp-dkk GBPDKK 62.0 74.0 62.8 74.8 63.6 0.8
gbp-nok GBPNOK 62.0 74.0 62.8 74.8 63.6 0.8
gbp-nzd GBPNZD 8.0 10.0 8.8 10.8 9.6 0.8
gbp-sek GBPSEK 80.0 100.0 80.8 100.8 81.6 0.8
gbp-sgd GBPSGD 15.0 20.0 15.8 20.8 16.6 0.8
gbp-zar GBPZAR 250.0 320.0 250.8 320.8 251.6 0.8
nzd-cad NZDCAD 8.4 9.2 9.2 10.0 10.0 0.8
nzd-chf NZDCHF 7.5 8.1 8.3 8.9 9.1 0.8
nzd-sgd NZDSGD 20.0 28.0 20.8 28.8 21.6 0.8
usd-hkd USDHKD 40.0 45.0 40.8 45.8 41.6 0.8
usd-try USDTRY 70.0 110.0 70.8 110.8 71.6 0.8
eur-try EURTRY 80.0 130.0 80.8 130.8 81.6 0.8
Fx Пары Long**(Pip) Short** (Pip)
eurusd EURUSD -0,519 -0,09
gbp-usd GBPUSD -0,3204 -0,316
usd-chf USDCHF -0,021 -0,442
usd-jpy USDJPY -0,168 -0,298
aud-cad AUDCAD -0,427 -3,91
aud-chf AUDCHF -0,125 -0,3966
aud-jpy AUDJPY -0,304 -0,409
aud-nzd AUDNZD -0,419 -0,487
aud-usd AUDUSD -0,285 -0,26349
cad-chf CADCHF -0,04 -0,413
cad-jpy CADJPY -0,152 -0,332
chf-jpy CHFJPY -0,539 -0,089
eur-aud EURAUD -0,825 -0,235
eur-cad EURCAD -0,727 -0,068
eur-chf EURCHF -0,23423 -0,35061
eur-gbp EURGBP -0,36827 -0,076
eur-jpy EURJPY -0,425 -0,191
eur-nzd EURNZD -0,937 -0,372
gbp-aud GBPAUD -0,794 -0,764
gbp-cad GBPCAD -0,549 -0,436
gbp-chf GBPCHF -0,049 -0,566
gbp-jpy GBPJPY -0,256 -0,595
nzd-jpy NZDJPY -0,284 -0,336
nzd-usd NZDUSD -0,2362 -0,28162
usd-cad USDCAD -0,353 -0,285
usd-sek USDSEK -3,08 -12,28
eur-sek EURSEK -7,63 -5,76
usd-nok USDNOK -1,24 -8,26
usd-dkk USDDKK -4,61 -7,77
eur-dkk EURDKK -5,81 -4,93
usd-mxn USDMXN -47,77 15,884
eur-mxn EURMXN -64,77 22,61
usd-zar USDZAR -29,87 2,77
eur-zar EURZAR -44,89 2,25
eur-nok EURNOK -9,48 -2,69
usd-pln USDPLN -1,48 -3,14
eur-pln EURPLN -5,23 -0,29
usd-sgd USDSGD -0,806 -0,744
eur-sgd EURSGD -1,274 -0,675
usd-huf USDHUF 0,07 -3,538
aud-sgd AUDSGD -0,537 -0,978
eur-hkd EURHKD -6,61 -4,52
gbp-dkk GBPDKK -2,96 -8,58
gbp-nok GBPNOK -6,45 -6,01
gbp-nzd GBPNZD -0,749 -0,841
gbp-sek GBPSEK -4,42 -10,76
gbp-sgd GBPSGD -1,154 -1,087
gbp-zar GBPZAR -45,37 15,54
nzd-cad NZDCAD -0,44 -0,394
nzd-chf NZDCHF -0,115 -0,398
nzd-sgd NZDSGD -0,461 -0,68
usd-hkd USDHKD -2,41 -6,91
usd-try USDTRY -27 5,3
eur-try EURTRY -26,5 16,2
Fx Пары Мин Объем лота Размер 1 лота Значение 1 пункта на 1 лот Минимальное движение цены
eurusd EURUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 USD 0.00001
gbp-usd GBPUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 USD 0.00001
usd-chf USDCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 CHF 0.00001
usd-jpy USDJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 1.000 JPY 0.001
aud-cad AUDCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 10 CAD 0.00001
aud-chf AUDCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 10 CHF 0.00001
aud-jpy AUDJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 1.000 JPY 0.001
aud-nzd AUDNZD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 10 NZD 0.00001
aud-usd AUDUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 10 USD 0.00001
cad-chf CADCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 CAD 10 CHF 0.00001
cad-jpy CADJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 CAD 1.000 JPY 0.001
chf-jpy CHFJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 CHF 1.000 JPY 0.001
eur-aud EURAUD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 AUD 0.00001
eur-cad EURCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 CAD 0.00001
eur-chf EURCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 CHF 0.00001
eur-gbp EURGBP 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 GBP 0.00001
eur-jpy EURJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 1.000 JPY 0.001
eur-nzd EURNZD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 NZD 0.00001
gbp-aud GBPAUD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 AUD 0.00001
gbp-cad GBPCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 CAD 0.00001
gbp-chf GBPCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 CHF 0.00001
gbp-jpy GBPJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 1.000 JPY 0.001
nzd-jpy NZDJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 1.000 JPY 0.001
nzd-usd NZDUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 10 USD 0.00001
usd-cad USDCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 CAD 0.00001
usd-sek USDSEK 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 SEK 0.00001
eur-sek EURSEK 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 SEK 0.00001
usd-nok USDNOK 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 NOK 0.00001
usd-dkk USDDKK 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 DKK 0.00001
eur-dkk EURDKK 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 DKK 0.00001
usd-mxn USDMXN 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 MXN 0.00001
eur-mxn EURMXN 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 MXN 0.00001
usd-zar USDZAR 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 ZAR 0.00001
eur-zar EURZAR 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 ZAR 0.00001
eur-nok EURNOK 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 NOK 0.00001
usd-pln USDPLN 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 PLN 0.00001
eur-pln EURPLN 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 PLN 0.00001
usd-sgd USDSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 SGD 0.00001
eur-sgd EURSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 SGD 0.00001
usd-huf USDHUF 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 1000 HUF 0,001
aud-sgd AUDSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 10 SGD 0.00001
eur-hkd EURHKD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 HKD 0.00001
gbp-dkk GBPDKK 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 DKK 0.00001
gbp-nok GBPNOK 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 NOK 0.00001
gbp-nzd GBPNZD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 NZD 0.00001
gbp-sek GBPSEK 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 SEK 0.00001
gbp-sgd GBPSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 SGD 0.00001
gbp-zar GBPZAR 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 ZAR 0.00001
nzd-cad NZDCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 10 CAD 0.00001
nzd-chf NZDCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 10 CHF 0.00001
nzd-sgd NZDSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 10 SGD 0.00001
usd-hkd USDHKD 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 HKD 0.00001
usd-try USDTRY 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 TRY 0.00001
eur-try EURTRY 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 TRY 0.00001
Fx Пары Мин Объем лота Размер 1 лота Значение 1 пункта на 1 лот Минимальное движение цены
eurusd EURUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0.10 USD 0.00001
gbp-usd GBPUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0.10 USD 0.00001
usd-chf USDCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0.10 CHF 0.00001
usd-jpy USDJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 JPY 0.001
aud-cad AUDCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 0.10 CAD 0.00001
aud-chf AUDCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 0.10 CHF 0.00001
aud-jpy AUDJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 10 JPY 0.001
aud-nzd AUDNZD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 0.10 NZD 0.00001
aud-usd AUDUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 0.10 USD 0.00001
cad-chf CADCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 CAD 0.10 CHF 0.00001
cad-jpy CADJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 CAD 10 JPY 0.001
chf-jpy CHFJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 CHF 10 JPY 0.001
eur-aud EURAUD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0.10 AUD 0.00001
eur-cad EURCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0.10 CAD 0.00001
eur-chf EURCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0.10 CHF 0.00001
eur-gbp EURGBP 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0.10 GBP 0.00001
eur-jpy EURJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 JPY 0.001
eur-nzd EURNZD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0.10 NZD 0.00001
gbp-aud GBPAUD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0.10 AUD 0.00001
gbp-cad GBPCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0.10 CAD 0.00001
gbp-chf GBPCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0.10 CHF 0.00001
gbp-jpy GBPJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 10 JPY 0.001
nzd-jpy NZDJPY 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 10 JPY 0.001
nzd-usd NZDUSD 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 0.10 USD 0.00001
usd-cad USDCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0.10 CAD 0.00001
usd-sek USDSEK 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 SEK 0.00001
eur-sek EURSEK 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 10 SEK 0.00001
usd-nok USDNOK 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 NOK 0.00001
usd-dkk USDDKK 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 DKK 0.00001
eur-dkk EURDKK 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 DKK 0.00001
usd-mxn USDMXN 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 MXN 0.00001
eur-mxn EURMXN 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 MXN 0.00001
usd-zar USDZAR 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 ZAR 0.00001
eur-zar EURZAR 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 ZAR 0.00001
eur-nok EURNOK 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 NOK 0.00001
usd-pln USDPLN 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 PLN 0.00001
eur-pln EURPLN 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 PLN 0.00001
usd-sgd USDSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 SGD 0.00001
eur-sgd EURSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 SGD 0.00001
usd-huf USDHUF 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 10 HUF 0,001
aud-sgd AUDSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 AUD 0,1 SGD 0.00001
eur-hkd EURHKD 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 HKD 0.00001
gbp-dkk GBPDKK 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0,1 DKK 0.00001
gbp-nok GBPNOK 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0,1 NOK 0.00001
gbp-nzd GBPNZD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0,1 NZD 0.00001
gbp-sek GBPSEK 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0,1 SEK 0.00001
gbp-sgd GBPSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0,1 SGD 0.00001
gbp-zar GBPZAR 0.01 лот 100.000 GBP 0,1 ZAR 0.00001
nzd-cad NZDCAD 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 0,1 CAD 0.00001
nzd-chf NZDCHF 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 0,1 CHF 0.00001
nzd-sgd NZDSGD 0.01 лот 100.000 NZD 0,1 SGD 0.00001
usd-hkd USDHKD 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 HKD 0.00001
usd-try USDTRY 0.01 лот 100.000 USD 0,1 TRY 0.00001
eur-try EURTRY 0.01 лот 100.000 EUR 0,1 TRY 0.00001
Часы торговли валютными парами:
С воскресенья 00:00 до пятницы 00:00 по времени сервера. Время сервера GMT +2 (GMT +3 применяется во время перехода на летнее время).

Оптимальные платформы:

Наши торговые платформы предлагают вам опыт торговли мирового класса с многочисленными функциями и инструментами, которые подойдут вашему стилю торговли.



Больше, чем просто торговля на рынке форекс
Расширьте свою деятельность, торгуя контрактами CFD, а не только рынке форекс.

Что такое Форекс (Forex)

What is Forex currency trading

Forex is a currency exchange in which brokers and traders take part. The market carries out currency exchange, the main purpose of which is to earn on the difference in rates. Profits are obtained as a result of the appreciation or depreciation of national currencies. Trading is carried out according to particular laws and rules, which are followed by all market participants. The currency market has very high liquidity. It allowed earning whole fortunes. One example of a billionaire George Soros, who made millions on the change in the rate of the English pound against the German mark, attracts people who want to get rich in currency trading. George Soros is an exceptional example. However, any person, even with a small amount of money, can buy and sell large amounts of currency and make a profit.

How does currency trading works

The Forex market trades currency pairs, not a single currency. For example, you may see currency pairs such as EUR/USD or GBP/USD, which means that the euro or pound is exchanged for the dollar. Now you may think about how you can trade and make money if the exchange rates do not fluctuate so much? In forex trading, fluctuations are measured in pips. Exchange rates are displayed with four decimal places, so, you can see values like "EUR/USD 1.1802", for example. If, on the other hand, the price subsequently changes to "EUR/USD 1.1806", the difference will be four pips. Such tiny fluctuations are perfectly normal; this is the main mechanism of the currency market. For example, you decided to open a trade on AUD/CHF. To open a 0.15 lot at a quote of 0.6673, and with the leverage of 1:200, you will need $50. Normally, during the day, this currency pair passes 30-80 points. In this case, each point will cost $2.54. If you trade 25 pips a day, you will earn $63.5.

How to trade currencies on forex
In order to take up forex currency trading, a number of steps should be taken:
  • Do some homework There is no way to start trading without learning currency trading basics. It can be done online on your own or with the help of a broker.
  • Choice of a broker The broker is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. The task of a trader is to choose a forex broker correctly. This can be done by four criteria: Quality and work experience - see how long has the forex trading company been in business - the longer, the better. Minimum deposit - each brokerage company may have its own minimum trading account size, which may be a few cents or several thousand dollars. Forex trading spreads - the lower it is, the better. Service - it is better to communicate with its staff first and consider all ways to withdraw profits.
  • Choose a trading platform Each broker has its own features and interface. Install, view, analyze, and try all possible actions.
  • Open a demo account Make sure to open it. And open it with the same amount you are going to start with. In essence, a demo account is necessary for training to understand the technical features and see how the terminal works.
  • Develop a trading strategy It needs to be done on the demo account and only then implemented on the real account once it is working properly.

Which currency is best for forex trading
There are several most common and popular currency pairs - those that are the easiest to trade with. These are the pairs, which involve the currencies of the most economically developed countries in the world: JPY, GBP, EUR, CHF, AAUD, and CAD, and of course, the main world currency - the USD. These currencies have the largest number of macroeconomic news releases, so their behavior will be easier to predict. Also, if you are a beginner, you will probably use ready-made analytics, and reviews are most often written on such pairs as GBP/USD, EUR/USD, and USD/JPY. The most popular currency pair among traders is EUR/USD. It is believed that this trading instrument is quite convenient even for a beginner trader, as it reacts well to the news and is also easy for technical analysis. If you want to trade this particular pair, you need to pay special attention to the economic indicators from Europe, as well as data from the United States. The choice of a currency pair depends largely on what time you usually trade. Some pairs, such as AUD or JPY, are highly volatile in the early morning, during Pacific and Asian trading sessions. All European currencies activate in the late morning, peak at noon, and then begin to decline, and in the afternoon and evening is the time of currencies such as the USD and CAD. Whatever pairs you trade, choose a broker with precise currency quotes.

Trading strategies
Currently, a lot of strategies have been developed that can be used to successfully trade on the foreign exchange market. Forex trading strategies are subdivided into: Short-term. When using short-term trading strategies, trading positions remain open for a short time and close during the trading day. Often, the duration of a trade does not exceed a few minutes, and profit is generated when the exchange rate fluctuates slightly. In this case, a trader is considered to use a type of short-term strategy - scalping. The advantage of this type of trading strategy is its increased profitability. But short-term trading is considered riskier and takes a long time. Medium-term. In strategies of this type, trades remain open for several days. Sometimes the duration of trade is extended by several weeks. In the case of a medium-term trading strategy, it will require the trader to be able to make a correct forecast of future price movements. The very method of such trading does not require the constant presence of the trader near the terminal but requires serious professional training. Long-term. In long-term strategy trading, positions can remain open for quite a long time. These can be weeks, if not months. Long-term trading is considered to be the safest. It is usually used by large market players and traders who own and manage capital. The choice of the strategy depends on a wide range of aspects, starting with the size of trading capital and finishing with the trader`s personality. As practice shows, the best technique is the one suiting all your needs and preferences, so then it is recommended to try some strategies to find out which of them is meeting all your requirements.